My friend and I.

Okay this morning I went hunting with my friend and his cousin,so after I had been in my stand for about 20 minutes I saw a 5 point and decided to let him walk,a couple of minutes later and after seeing about 25-30 turkeys I called this buck in with a call,so he started coming towards me so I shot at about 55 yards him and here he is!(by the way he's a 8 point)
Awesome, your beating my grandpa. He's never killed one.
hey nice shooting there will:) Its about the same size that tyler shot. good job!! I haven't shot anything yet this year. I haven't seen anything worth shooting. lol I still have a few more days that I can go out so hopefully I will be able to show you a picture of mine. haha k well i'll talk to ya l8r. you can check out my moms blog. if i shoot anything i'll put a picture up on there. www.frederickfamilyfun.blogspot.com
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